Our West Elementary Family has suffered a tremendous loss. We have a lost a friend, co-worker, the finest of educators, "butmost importantly our Jen". The words to express how we feel are not adequate. The light that shone from her was bright. It was one we missed as she went from educator back to staying home with her youngest. Her family is our family and we ask that you wrap them in love and your prayers.
BUS COUNT WEEK! Help us out by riding a bus this week!!
Important information on attendance changes for students
Swain County Schools will operate on a regular schedule for Thursday October 3rd and Friday October 4th
FEMA can help with assistance after a disaster like Helene. This article has good useful info on contacting FEMA, how to file, website, phone number etc.
Swain County Schools will be offering Grab & Go lunches again today for students. Pick up will be at the Swain High School cafeteria!
For information on the status of utilities, debris sites, etc., we want to share the following resources. As communications are restored and more information becomes available, these sites will be continue to be updated.
Drinking Water Systems: Public Water Supply Situation Report Tracking
Debris Disposal Sites: Active Temporary Debris Disposal Sites
NCDEQ Situation Report Tracking System
NCDPS Hurricane Helene – Storm Information
NCDPS County Emergency Management Agencies
How to Apply for FEMA Assistance After Hurricane Helene
For information on any of the above go to the Department of Environmental Quality at
Walmart’s Hurricane Helene Information page, which provides up-to-date details on store and club closures. You’ll also find information on how we’re supporting local communities with essential supplies and relief efforts as these resources become available.
Walmart, Sam's Club, and the Walmart Foundation are committing an initial $6 million in support of hurricane relief efforts, including donations of food, water, essential supplies, and grants to organizations providing relief to these devastated areas. As part of this commitment, Walmart will match customer donations to the American Red Cross 1:1, up to $2.5 million, when they donate to support hurricane relief at the registers in stores and clubs and on from Oct. 1 – Oct. 13.
We are committed to working together to ensure that those affected have the support they need.
To stay informed, please use this link for real-time updates on our current relief activities.
Grab and Go lunches will be available for Swain County Students from 12-2 today at Swain County High School
Due to continued connectivity issues, Swain County Schools will not be in session for students Tuesday or Wednesday. Tuesday will be an annual leave day for staff and Wednesday will be an optional teacher workday. We are working with our provider to reestabilsh communication as soon as possible.
Swain County Schools will be closed for students and staff on Monday, Sept. 30th. Additional information for the remainder of the week will be released as soon as possible. With current communication limitations, we ask that you share this message with others to ensure all are informed.
Important message about school for Thursday and Friday.
No school for students on Friday September 20th due to a scheduled Teacher Workday
In loving remembrance of those we lost on September 11, 2001
Donations came in for students from Mountain View Manor Nursing Home. The best part was Lisa Sutton's sister Carolyn Winchester helped to deliver. What a wonderful surprise today❤️❤️
C4C also had a delivery today from Linda Dills. Thank you to a community who pour into our schools!! We appreciate it so much!!
Great Open House!! Add your photos of your families to the post in the comments. We will see you all Monday Morning!!
Swain West Elementary Open House. August 15. 10-3. We hope to see you there!!!
IMPORTANT 24/25 After School Update:
For the last three years, Swain County Schools' afterschool programs have been funded with a competitive grant from the 21st Century Community Learning Center. These funds helped provide staffing and materials for tutoring and academic enrichment. We reapplied this year for the grant and unfortunately, Swain County Schools did not receive the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant for the coming school year. It is a limited, competitive grant that includes applicants from across the state including school systems but predominantly churches and community organizations. This competitive grant competition cycle favored applicants currently not receiving funding and non-LEA organizations. Seventy-seven percent of organizations receiving funds were not school-based. This setback creates adversity but is not unprecedented. We have not received the grant in the past only to be awarded funding the next year. We intend to reapply for the 21st CCLC grant next year with hopefully more positive results.
We fully understand the positive impact that our afterschool program has on the students of Swain County and their families. We are aware that many families rely on this afterschool care to provide a safe place for our students to continue learning and growing while they finish their work day. Knowing this, we intend to continue the afterschool program. However, budget constraints may force some adjustments to our offerings.
Swain County Schools will communicate our plan to provide afterschool programming as soon as we are able. We intend to provide a level of afterschool service that mirrors as closely as possible the previous years as much as fiscal resources allow. Please check the Swain County Schools website and social media accounts for information regarding afterschool programs in the coming days.
Please contact Evan Clapaddle (, 828-488-3129 Ext. 5144) or Kimberly Donaldson (, 828-488-3129 Ext. 5143) if you have any questions
Swain County Schools announces Summer Food & Fun: Nutritious Grab and Go Meals FREE for Ages 18 & Under - Monday through Friday, June 10th through August 2nd - Breakfast 7:30am-8:30am & Lunch 11:30am-12:30pm location 265 Main Street, Bryson City
Water day and IReady celebration today!!